
translate2_.png Television


About us

Świat sp.z o.o. is a company operating in several branches. The basic direction is media activities. We publish books and magazines, including the "Forester's Handbook". In addition, we deal with the production of documentary films. We also run Telewizja Lasów
In 2015, we celebrated the XXV anniversary of our company. We released about 1000 titles and produced almost 100 movies.

Regardless of this, Świat sp.z o.o. has a license to trade in electricity and is the exclusive distributor of luxury balustrades produced by the French company Grande Forge.

Activity in Poland Television is the only bilingual trade television in Poland and the first of its kind in the world that is dedicated to forestry and related subject matter.

The activity of Television is focused first and foremost on programs of two thematic groups. The first group involves film production of trade programs on forests and nature. Television also offers live animal camera feeds. Because of that we can make available to our viewers such interesting content as, for example, the highly popular live feed from a bear’s den that shows bears waking up from their winter sleep.

International cooperation

As part of its foreign activities, Television has established cooperation with international institutes that are focused, among others, on problems related to environment protection and forestry. Among the most important ones are The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), The European Economic Association (EEA), The Global Environment Facility (GEF). As a result of this cooperation, information about Polish forestry reaches the most important global institutes that deal with this subject matter.

Who is the publisher

The owner of Television is Wydawnictwo Świat LLC – a publishing company that publishes books and magazines about forestry and hunting. Thanks to that, the Television possesses the best possible factual background on our market. This enables the Television to produce programs of a high factual quality.


b_200_133_16777215_00_images_graph.jpgThe Television draws in a large viewership who generate up to several thousands visits daily. At the request of Advertisers, we share the current viewership statistics of

Target groups

Among the viewers of Television, one can distinguish two distinct groups.
1. The first group consists of viewers who are professionally associated with forestry and environment protection. They are employees of the Polish State Forests, national parks, forest companies, nature schools and universities.
2. The second group consists of viewers who are interested in nature. Undoubtedly, this group of viewers is most interested in live animal camera feeds.

Editorial team

The Television is edited by an editorial team under the guidance of Piotr Łęski – the Editor-in-Chief.
The editorial team, thanks to their extensive knowledge on topics related to forests and forest protection, prepares the materials for publication in a diligent and objective manner, while making use of their solid experience in journalism and filmmaking. The Editor-in-Chief possesses knowledge regarding cinematography, montage, and sound production.
The films are translated by a Master of Arts in English whose multiple certificates (e.g. The University of Cambridge) verify his specialist knowledge regarding the preparation of films published by Television. He has many years of experience in translation of various material, including forestry, finance, politics, literature, computer software, and personnel consulting.



Piotr Łęski

Partner in the Wydawnictwo Świat LLC

He is an economist who completed his doctorate studies at the University of Warsaw’s Faculty of Management.

Moreover, he completed many practical courses that help him in managing the company. Among others, he is a graduate of the Stock Market School and the Polish Power Exchange’s Stockbroker School, with specialization in management of permits for greenhouse gas emissions and for biomass. Also he has a qualification certificate issued by the Civil Aviation Office. He is the author of many articles on this subject in various trade magazines.

  • Wywiady

    • Category : Wywiady
      Description :

      Plany Lasów Państwowych na II połowę 2012 r. i 2013 r. – nowe zasady sprzedaży drewna i modernizacja zasad kontroli w Lasach Państwowych.

      Rating :
    • Category : Wywiady
      Description :

      Wywiad: Brak porozumienia klimatycznego może mieć fatalne skutki - mówi poseł do Parlamentu Europejskiego Jo Leinen. Szef delegacji PE na szczyt klimatyczny w Durbanie zachęca do stanowczości w walce z kryzysem klimatycznym, który pozostanie aktualny dłużej niż kryzys gospodarczy. [Dostawca filmu: Parlament Eurpoejski]

      Rating :
  • Wydarzenia

    • Category : Wydarzenia
      Description :

      W dniu 30. maja 2012 r., na terenie Instytutu Badawczego Leśnictwa w Sękocinie Starym odbyły się uroczystości związane z Ogólnopolskimi Dniami Lasu.

      Rating :
    • Category : Wydarzenia
      Description :

      Dyrektor Generalny Lasów Państwowych Adam Wasiak podczas Ogólnopolskich Dni Lasu 2012 - powitanie

      Rating :
  • Inne

    • Category : Inne
      Description :

      Zobacz niesamowite ujęcia w zwolnionym tempie ptaków przy karmniku. Niewinne z pozoru ptaki roślinożerne okazują sobie wrogość walcząc o dostęp do pożywienia. Do próby sił dochodzi nawet w locie.

      Rating :
  • Muzyka

    • Category : Muzyka
      Description :

      Piękno lasów na całym świecie - piękne ujęcia

      Rating :

      Piękno lasów

    • Category : Muzyka
      Description :

      Występ zespołu "The Strings" podczas Ogólnopolskich Dni Lasu w Sękocinie Starym (IBL). 2012 r.

      Rating :